Julie: | Hi, Rieko. You were late today. What's happened? |
| (りえこ、今日は遅れてきてどうしたの?) |
| |
Rieko: | Hey, Julie. Nothing happened but I just bumped into Linda. |
| (ジュリー、どうもしないけど、ただリンダに久々に会っただけよ。) |
| |
Julie: | Oh, yeah? |
| (そうなの?) |
| |
Rieko: | Right. You know her, don't you? I haven't talked to her since the Prof. Davis class. |
| (リンダのこと知ってるよね。デイビス先生のクラス以来彼女と話してなかったのよ。) |
| |
Julie: | I see. You had a lot to talk about. That explains why you came late. But I think you are incredible. |
| (そうか、沢山話すことがあって遅れったってことね。だけど、あなたってすごいわ。) |
| |
Rieko: | Why? |
| (どうして?) |
| |
Julie: | Because even though the class has already started, you sat the first row that was in front of the professor! If I were you,
I couldn't do the same thing. |
| (だって、授業はもう始まってたのに一番前の席でしかもプロフェッサーの真ん前に座るんだもの。私だったらそんなこと出来ない。) |
| |
Rieko: | It was not a big deal. I didn't want to sit in the back because if I did, I could not hear him clearly. |
| (そんなのたいしたことじゃないよ。だって後ろの方に座ったらプロフェッサーが何言ってるかよく分からないじゃない。) |
| |
Julie: | I know. That's what I meant you are incredible. |
| (知ってるわ。だからあなたはすごいって言ってるの。) |