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Mike: |
Hey, Rieko. How's it going? You seem in a hurry.
| (ヘイ、りえこ。元気?忙しそうだね。)
| |
Rieko: |
Hey, Mike. I'm good. But I've got to run to a meeting.
| (ヘイ、マイク。元気よ。でもミーテイングに行かなきゃいけないの。)
| |
Mike: |
A group project? Which one do you have?
| (グループ・プロジェクト?どれやってるの?)
| |
Rieko: |
Business policy. We meet on every Friday in a computer lab.
| (ビジネス・ポリシーよ。毎週金曜にコンピューター・ラボで会ってるの。)
| |
Mike: |
How is it? I'm going to take it next semester.
| (どんな感じ?次のセメスターに取らなきゃいけないんだ。)
| |
Rieko: |
It's not very difficult, but there is a lot to do. So many requirements.
| (そんなに難しくはないんだけど、やることが一杯あるのよ。要求されることがすごく多い。)
| |
Mike: |
Wow, but that's what I heard.
| (やっぱり。そう聞いてるよ。)
| |
Rieko: |
I think we are pretty good now. Although I had some difficulty to deal with one of our members at first,
now we can exchange our opinions very easily and honestly.
| (今私達はすごくいい感じよ。私、最初はメンバーの一人とうまくやるのが大変
| |
Mike: |
I see. Where is he from?
| (へえ、どこ出身の人?)
| |
Rieko: |
He's from New York. I thought he was some lazy, loser, self-centered computer freak.
It took me one month to realize that I was only partially right.
We have absolutely nothing in common, but that doesn't mean we can't get along with each other.
| (ニューヨーク出身。最初彼はなんだか怠け者の自分勝手なコンピューターきちがいかと
| |
Mike: |
Exactly. Well, good luck on your project!
| (その通り。じゃ、プロジェクトがんばって!)